Galileo's Feast -- A Critical Thinking Symposium

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Monday 20 August 2007

Better Living

Top 7 Ways to Live Your Best Life


Our lives are like clay on a potter’s wheel.

Each day, the wheel turns anew, and with our decisions, we shape our lives; we are sculptures formed by choices, vessels crafted by free will. Your life: your masterpiece, your unique creation.

While it’s true that we all must decide for ourselves what shape our lives should take, I offer you these 7 tips for living your best life.

1. Live within Your Means

No matter how you want to shape the clay of your life, you’ll need resources; the more you save, the more you’ll have. Overspending is truly one of the most damaging things you can do because it robs you of the means to live a life of your own design.

Besides, the emotional high that comes from buying something new is short-lived and cannot compensate for the emotional burden of carrying too much debt or the painful reality of all the opportunities you can no longer afford.

Before you make a purchase that seriously impacts your bottom line, stop and ask yourself: Is this improving my life? Is this worth it? It’s a shame how so many of us sell our potential for the empty promise of useless things.

2. Follow Your Dreams

Do you love your job? If not, why in the world are you doing it? The most common answer is bills. We need money to live; we need a job for money; therefore, we work to survive.

But the survival instinct is the basest of human motivations, and you could be so much more if you aimed higher.

Yes, most of us must work to live, but there are a million jobs in the world.
Why not choose one that satisfies you?

Why not determine what you want, figure out how to make money with it, and go for it?

If you think chasing your dreams is hard, consider how much harder it is to work in an uninspiring job for thirty years, wasting away in a cycle of mindless production and consumption.

Do something you love. Make a difference you believe in.

3. Connect

Personal relationships are the jewel of life. We’re social by nature; we can only be so happy alone. So why do we sacrifice relationships for jobs? Why do we push people away when we could be pulling them closer?

We’re so much happier when we attract a soul mate; when we bridge arguments calmly; communicate ideas confidently, without offending; when we surround ourselves with caring people.

Great accomplishments require great relationships.

4. Contribute

Our potential is revealed in the extent to which we give. And I’m not just talking about charity. For most of us, work is our primary means of contribution to society and our single most time consuming activity; this, combined with the fact that humans need each other, is the reason why jobs feel so much better when they allow us to contribute to the world in a way that is uniquely our own: We give our gift; others express appreciation; we too endorse our contribution, and the end result is that we feel good.

You can also contribute to the world by volunteering, helping a family member, or donating. The world needs you, and you need it.

Give back.

Receive joy.

5. Trust Yourself

Learning to trust your instincts when reading road signs on the highway of life will improve your chances of success in every endeavor. You can also learn to trust yourself in less esoteric ways: Raise your self-esteem by recognizing your accomplishments; boost your self-efficacy by practicing the skills required to reach success.

Creating a life of your own beautiful design requires that you believe in what you’re doing, as well as your ability to do it.

6. Optimize

There’s always something you could do better, faster, or cheaper. Pick an area of yourself to work on and have at it. The clay spinning on the potter’s wheel of life can only be worked into the shape of a masterpiece through continuous improvement, prolonged dedication to excellence.

7. Be Thankful

The fact that we recognize our shortcomings (so we can improve them) does not mean we can’t be thankful for all the wonderful things we already are; all the gifts we already possess. Life is the greatest gift of all, so we should all be thankful for the breath in our lungs, and I’m sure you can think of a few other blessings if you set your mind to it.

An attitude of gratitude is powerful because it helps us recognize our gifts, our talents, which helps us feel comfortable with our place in the world and highlights the unique contributions waiting to spring forth from within us, making the world a better place and leading us toward our dreams.

So there you have it: 7 tips for shaping and polishing a life of your own magnificent design.

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