Galileo's Feast -- A Critical Thinking Symposium

Welcome! This purpose of this blog is to discuss a wide range of topics and to consider the merits of different points of view expressed about each topic. Suggest a topic that you'd like to think about and I'll be happy to include it in this blog. Bring your brain and enjoy~

Saturday 1 March 2008

Oscars 2008: Taxi to the Dark Side wins best documentary

The film focuses around the controversial death in custody of an Afghan taxi driver named Dilawar. Dilawar was beaten to death by American soldiers while being held in extrajudicial detention at the Bagram Air Base.
Taxi to the Dark Side also goes on to examine America's policy on torture and interrogation in general, specifically the CIA's use of torture and their research into sensory deprivation. There is description of the opposition to the use of torture from its political and military opponents, as well as the defence of such methods; the attempts by Congress to uphold the standards of the Geneva Convention forbidding torture; and the popularisation of the use of torture techniques in shows such as 24.

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